We specialize in custom-made holidays. We provide high-end services for leisure travel, business travel, business exhibitions, business to business networking, conferences
We can set up the perfect tailor-made holiday for couples and honeymooners, families, group tours, foodies, golfers or wellness and spa enthusiasts as well as many other travel interests. We take into consideration every little detail such as mobility issues or dietary restrictions and choose the most appropriate accommodation for every type of traveler


Best Travel Agency in Nigeria

Our Vision

To create a world with limitless destinations that encourages societal, cultural and economic benefits through tourism

Our Mission

Our mission is to create transformational positive change through our experiences which are aimed at capturing the soul of a city, a town or country in a way that allows our guests see the world differently

Our Core Values


We create authentic experiences around the globe. Be it in the way we specially handpick the destinations we sell, our detailed bespoke vacation itineraries, the accommodations we recommend and even in the way we deliver our services all points to our value for authenticity


Hojtravels & Tours Ltd was founded out of passion to see the world in an adventurous, educative and transformational way. This inspires us create exceptional travel experiences that allows you see not just the best in every destination you visit with us but adopt better ways to live life in a more fulfilling way


We are in existence because of People, For us in Hoj Travels and Tours ltd, people are our biggest achievement as we are focused on helping people invest in themselves through transformational traveling, as we all know traveling is also a way you can invest in your wellbeing and this means our goals and objectives is centered around people


Because loyalty for us is the level of likability and the ability to trust the products and services we offer. Our level of consistency has created a positive emotional connection between Hoj Travels and her guest and over the years we place so much emphasis in consistently creating exceptional experiences and services that will wow our clients always


To travel is to evolve. At Hojtravels we want our guest to not just exist but to live life to the fullest by exploring the world in a way that helps them connect with themselves and the only way we have been able to achieve this is by constantly evolving with the world



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